Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Racism: Look who is talking
It is not a uncommon thing for Indians being being discriminated,threatened,beaten,killed.. on the basis of caste, religion and most important, language. And we are talking about Indians in Australia? What for?
There was a controversy.... Australian players will not be allowed to be participated in IPL 3.. Then in that case what should the various states in India do? I hope you are aware of how North Indians are treated in Mumbai, when they were beaten up for taking up an exam... then why are we talking about some other country????
Scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, backward class, other backward class.. and we are talking about racisim ?? Where is equality here??? A counrty where caste by birth is more important than brilliance by brain... Discrimination by birth, language, religion, sex.. .. and we are pointing out to some other country about racism?? Wow.. look who is talking.
Monday, December 28, 2009
3 idiots- Message to Indian parents and Indian education system
3 idiots is more than awesome, idiot made me cry again.

Here it what I have to say:
once again comes the same message with 3 idiots as with Tare Zameen Par.Message for the Indian parents that their child is not their property.!!every child has a dream and parents should be there to support.. to fullfill the dream.
Not to burden them with things that the child cannot take..Comparison.. Competition.. Current affairs... What is the point in making him an engineer, when he does not want to be.. not meant to be, when his destiny is something else...
A man is happy only when He can say "My work is my religion"How many of us can?? I mean honestly????a very few, and these are the people who find meaning in life, meaning in living.
Other would be bothere bout "ek kilo bhindi ka bhav = Rs 12.. and counting"
The movie has put it in a very simple way.Be wat you want to be, what you are meant to be.Not what someone wants you to be.
Also a message to the Indian education system.Experimental knowledge is more important than books..what you can see.. is what you can belive in.Today that is not the case, We are asked to mug what is in the text books,with out much meaning(there are a few educational istitutions which cannot be counted here,but the rest).Write what is in the book, and preach the same.. but where is the growth..and also, one does need to slog to study, if the field of study is his passion..studying is not mugging.. but analyzing .. understanding.. experimenting.. growing with it... so do we study in colleges(few exceptions are there)
In tare zameen par, the boy wanted to be a painter, he was forced to do something, he was not made for ..but when given a chance, he did come out with flying colours..Here in 3 idiots, Farhaan is forced to be engineer.It is in the head of lot of Indian parents, that engineering is the way to be.NOoOOO that is not the case,Indian parents really need to clear their thinking bout this.Farhan wanted to be a photographer, and that was his passion.. all he needed was basic support, and tat would be enough to give meaning to his life.We need Music, colors, Movies, so engineering is not "THE" thing, and there is lot more..
Raising a child is not ensuring that he goes to the best school, gets the best marks,If he is not able to get it, Beat the shit outta him and make him get it..then pressurize him, to get into the best college, entrance exams, marks..(no wonder why the suicide rate is so high in India)Then college pressure, peer pressure,job.. and more suicides(explains it all)..
No No No..Raising a child is to identiy his talent, to groom.. yes primary education is important,but after a point, the path should be in the direction of the child.. His dream
But we in India fail to do that , we just wanna do, what our neigbours do..
Uderstand a child, his vision.. and raise him so that he becomes what he wants to be..what he is meant to be..not what you(his parents) want the child to be...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Rape: a national sport
I picked this up from ""
Mumbai: In a tragic incident a 15-year-old girl committed suicide in Mumbai on Sunday after allegedly being gang-raped by her boyfriend and three other friends.
The four men - Prem Shival, Ryan d'Souza, Rajkumar Yadav, and Lachi Sejav - are accused of raping the 15-year-old 10th standard student on Friendship Day.
The girl, who was a resident of Nalasopara's Chheda Nagar Colony, committed suicide the next day.
According to police her boyfriend invited her to celebrate Friendship Day on August 1.
He picked her up in this car and took her for a drive to local multiplex where the other three accused were waiting.
After that all the four men allegedly raped her. The following day the girl came back home and committed suicide by hanging herself with a nylon rope.
"We have registered a case of kidnapping, gang-rape and abetment of suicide against the boys," said Vishwajeet Bulbule, API, Nalasopara police.
Three of the four accused are members of a local orchestra, while the fourth is a college student. All four have been arrested and will be presented in court on Tuesday
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
My Restless Mind
Itz a restless mind I have.. never stops thinkin.. never.. it starts from one thing.. and then to another.. like a chain reaction..
it starts with one thing, and then goes to next.. and next.. till i realize, I am thinking stuff completely outta the world..
my mind never stops, .. but the problem is the thought
itz random, makes no real sense, goes from topic to other, and as nothing creative or productive,
At times i dont get sleep, whole night my mind races through the the most wierd things ever, till i realieze, itz time to get up for work.
I joined gym. yeah, to burn all those extra calories.. but the major reason, to drain my body .. so i have no energy left... so i can get peacefull sleep..
i think... i dream.. till i realize, i have lotta work to do.
it distracts me, i cant concentrate on work.. things go for a tose.. and life...
but my mind just doesn stop
it thinks.. and thinks..
Friday, February 13, 2009
a place, where there is no hindu, muslim, no sikh, no christian,.. god is one and all, or atleast the understanding that all religions have the same goal... eternal life.. salvation..
a place, where people dont fight over the name of religion.. spilling blood all over, which according to them is a way of saving their community, or protecting it..
very disheartenig, of what is happening around.
dad advices me to watch the news, but is there to watch?? another bomb blast? another suicide bomber? another terror attack?? this is what i need to watch??
and best of all, after all damage is done, no one wants to make things right
what is the first thing is done???
people blame on the government, government blame on security..and it goes on like this, till the matter cools down, and no one cares!!
i mean. how many of us really remember about the mumbai terror attacks?? how many of us are really doing anything?
and not to forget about out brave leaders., they are too busy beating nort indian students, who have taken up an exam which is not held in their territory(U know who I am talking about), or they are too busy molesting women who went to pub, jus to have a good time.,(u should know this)... so forget the issue of expecting nethin but chaos,blood,pain... sometimes i feel we have terrorists sittin and commanding in our own country, and noone can even touch them.
sometimes i wonder, what is the formula to such supreme commandig power??? power to beat up innocent and weak people???
huh!! ask anyone of them to fight for the country, stand at the border with a ak-47,to look into the face of death, and still fight.. trust me, they will piss in their pants. itz easy to, or too easy to imortalise somthing, which is weaker than you. but why cant people fight with someone of their own size??
And what have the brave soldiers got, who gave their lives to save people whom they never knew?? A sum of cash for their family(which according to me was way to less for what they did)

which would do nothing much??[[An Olympic shooter wins a Gold Medal (only a game) and the government gives him 3 Crores and too many awards!Another shooter dies, fighting with the terorists, saving our country and our lives, and the government pays his family 5 Lacs.Truly a Great India]Yes, I am talking about Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who gave his life. Who remembers him today??
Did he ever think whom he is saving?? Malyali?Hindu?Muslim? huh??? did he even think? but no, we have to have Caste system in the highest level in this country. India is blessed with a muli-culture, multi-lingual.. so much to learn, so much to explore.. so much to see. But no, we have to fight, converth this beautiful blessing, in some sort of a curse.. a reason to spill blood. And what is the best are leaders do, beat up innocent Indians, on the grounds of caste.
.[[ I guess, terrorists will find India very easy to handle, cause we are too busy fighting among ourselves....]]
I wonder what Major would be thinking if he could see us from Heaven??
And they say tat caste system has been abolished! But we still have reservation for SC,ST,BC,OBC etc etc.. Yeah itz ablolished... and taken up at the highest level...and then they have to fight for it.Each one wants reservation for his caste...
so where is justice??
Anyway, This blog is for Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan.It is something for us to learn that cast and religion doesn really matter. No, None of us know why we are born in a particular religion background family, and none of us know where we are going.
And for all his bravery.
May his soul rest in peace... and ..hmmm no.. i dont feel like saying Jai Hind or nethin.. no