3 idiots is more than awesome, idiot made me cry again.

Here it what I have to say:
once again comes the same message with 3 idiots as with Tare Zameen Par.Message for the Indian parents that their child is not their property.!!every child has a dream and parents should be there to support.. to fullfill the dream.
Not to burden them with things that the child cannot take..Comparison.. Competition.. Current affairs... What is the point in making him an engineer, when he does not want to be.. not meant to be, when his destiny is something else...
A man is happy only when He can say "My work is my religion"How many of us can?? I mean honestly????a very few, and these are the people who find meaning in life, meaning in living.
Other would be bothere bout "ek kilo bhindi ka bhav = Rs 12.. and counting"
The movie has put it in a very simple way.Be wat you want to be, what you are meant to be.Not what someone wants you to be.
Also a message to the Indian education system.Experimental knowledge is more important than books..what you can see.. is what you can belive in.Today that is not the case, We are asked to mug what is in the text books,with out much meaning(there are a few educational istitutions which cannot be counted here,but the rest).Write what is in the book, and preach the same.. but where is the growth..and also, one does need to slog to study, if the field of study is his passion..studying is not mugging.. but analyzing .. understanding.. experimenting.. growing with it... so do we study in colleges(few exceptions are there)
In tare zameen par, the boy wanted to be a painter, he was forced to do something, he was not made for ..but when given a chance, he did come out with flying colours..Here in 3 idiots, Farhaan is forced to be engineer.It is in the head of lot of Indian parents, that engineering is the way to be.NOoOOO that is not the case,Indian parents really need to clear their thinking bout this.Farhan wanted to be a photographer, and that was his passion.. all he needed was basic support, and tat would be enough to give meaning to his life.We need Music, colors, Movies, so engineering is not "THE" thing, and there is lot more..
Raising a child is not ensuring that he goes to the best school, gets the best marks,If he is not able to get it, Beat the shit outta him and make him get it..then pressurize him, to get into the best college, entrance exams, marks..(no wonder why the suicide rate is so high in India)Then college pressure, peer pressure,job.. and more suicides(explains it all)..
No No No..Raising a child is to identiy his talent, to groom.. yes primary education is important,but after a point, the path should be in the direction of the child.. His dream
But we in India fail to do that , we just wanna do, what our neigbours do..
Uderstand a child, his vision.. and raise him so that he becomes what he wants to be..what he is meant to be..not what you(his parents) want the child to be...
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