I hardly watch movies, once in a while, but when i do, i take it setious.. take it in my mind.. and start relating my life with it.. take rang de basanti.. the scene when aamir has a chat with Su, in the car, when they come down to drop kunal... how true the things he says.. that he has a name... respect.. only coz he is in the univerity.. and he wants to stay in the university.. coz he knows and beleives, that in the real world, itz not all that easy to survive.."ki gate ki is taraf life hame nachati hai, to gate ki us tarf life hume nachati hai.. tim lak lak, tim lak lak...".. so true, man i miss my college life now, how easy things were, all we tat was needed was a "maaaaaaaaaaaam", n a free hour, all tat we needed was a ex-cuse, to get to the canteen.. when a phone call meant.. "when are u comin for party??".. and now would mean.."what time is the presentation??"".... n now.. life has begun to show itz true colors.. life at the corporate is jus the opposite.. noone to help u.. no one to guide u.. as they say.. "survival of the toughest".. .. "tim laklak tim laklak"..
take Dil chatha hai.. the scene where all three are sittin on the parapet wall, n start wondering about a ship,. that it is visible now.. and after a while, it would be gone.. analogy.. of how
we frenz are ..all togethr.. moments in the canteen.. claiming pride in getting a "0" in the test... showing off with good copying skills.. discovering new places whr food is cheap and good.. whr b day was a nighmare.. where being chucked out of the class was considered an honour.....and now.. ship is gone.. on itz way.. .. all of us would be on our way .. and thats what has happened.. itz half a yr since coll completed.. n now.. thigs have changed.. I MISS U GUYS.. i really do.. .. to all u guys @ SRM, who made my college yrs the most memorable and spledid time of my life.. and ya.. i can never forget my goa trip.. i miss all of it....

skeleton key.. i dont think you would have seen the movie.. well you should take sometime out and watch this movie.. it explains the concept of faith.. how things work if.. and only if u have faith in it.. how they trap a girl , and make her belive, that there is something known as black magic, and how it works, and finally take advantage of her faith, and trick her with the same black magic.. and itz true.. not black magic, but the idea of faith.. it is all in you, to beleive or not to beleive.. and things do work .. it is like how u have faith in god.. as they say, u can experience miracles, only if u have faith in god.. and so on...
oops.. i got some work.. will complete this soon..